Saturday, November 01, 2008

Standing on the corner watching the cars go by....

Today I help with the Prop. 8 activity. Several us stood on the sidewalk of a very busy street and waved signs. We were encouraging people to vote yes on Prop. 8. Many people honked their horns and gave us thumbs up signs. Some were not so nice. Told us to get a life, and said we were bigots. Heard a few choice words. In all it was not a bad experience. Would do it again in a heart beat. The weather was not the best in the world. We got rained on but only for a short time. The hard rain came later in the day. That I was thankful for.

Also went to a baptism for a boy I teach in Primary. To my surprise Helen and Susanne were in attendance. Had a nice chat with them.

1 comment:

grannybabs said...

Good for you!