Sunday, November 12, 2006

posting again after a long absence

I guess it is about time I start blogging again. My life is not very exciting, kind of drab really. I did go to Kelli's this weekend. Her friends in the Ward gave her a baby shower. She really go some very nice things. She is going to have a girl on December 17. I even won a prize. I even got to be their for her talk in Sacrament meeting. She and Kevin did a great job. Jamie and I watched the boys. It was great to see my grandchildren. Ryan can now sit by himself and is about ready to crawl. Physical therapy is really working great for him. I met the woman who gives it to him. She is really nice. Ryan has come along way. It is so exciting to see the improvement. It is just wonderful. Hope everyone is well and happy. Love to you all.