Thursday, November 06, 2008

Jamie's Birthday

Today Jamie turned 28 years old. I can still remember the day she was born. She was delivered by a woman doctor. The only one too. She looked like a little pa poos, she had olive skin, brown eyes, and dark hair. She, of all my children had the most hair. She was born to early in the morning, about 4:30am. She always has been a night person. Went to visit her yesterday and had lunch. Hope you have a happy birthday. I love you and I am glad you are my daughter and in our family. Love You so muchhhh! Don't know how to down load pictures sorry, or I would of put one up.

1 comment:

grannybabs said...

I'm a little behind with my birthday cards - hope you had a happy day Jamie.

Mary - send me her address please!