Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Tami's Surgery

A few years back Tami fell off a horse and broke her back. A little while ago it started hurting her really bad. She would go numb in one of her legs and was in pain all the time. Finally she got medicare and went to the doctor. They did a bunch of test on her, some were not very pleasant at all . They stuck her with needles in her leg at which she cried. That was on a friday and by Monday they said she would have surgery the following Tuesday, which was today. Whenever they put Tami out she wakes up crying, which she did today probably more that usual. She had it done at USC hospital. They took out her pins and filled the holes with a bone graph from her hip. They thought they might have to do everything over again, but in the end it was not necessary. Now she can heal faster. I don't think she wanted me to leave (once when she had her apendix out I stayed with her in the hospital). Not this time. Hopefully this will be the last time she will need surgery. Hope all is well with everyone. Love you all.

1 comment:

bonny with a Y said...

i hope tami feels better soon.